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writer Elena, Lin  |  ip  |  view 1,591  |  comment 3  |  27-05-2019 13:11 (DD/MM/YY)

the body of a posts

I am interested because of the price, but the before and after photos are quite limited and there's isn't much reviews on this company. I can't even find anything in Korean and Dr. Jeong Seong Joon isn't listed on PSRKorea - portal of korean plastic surgeons http://www.prskorea.co.kr/.

Could you explain why he isn't listed? Also Dr.
HOON is still listed with Wonjin PS. Are there more photos? Do you have any locals who use your services? Is there a Korean verison of this website?




Hello, Dear Ms. Elena.

Thank you so much for contacting ME CLINIC SEOUL

We do have several photos but we can not update on the post due to the rights of the portrait.

And really so sorry for the limited before and after photos at our website. In addition, You can see more reviews at our google page:)

You can search the PSRKorea for board-certified doctors only.

And Dr. Jeon is ME CLINIC SEOUL HEAD and he is specialized in non-invasice and non-surgcial procedure.

Dr. Back Seung Hoon who is the in charge of the plastic surgery center:)

Please search Dr. Back Seung hoon who is the board-certified doctor at our clinic and he is the representative of plastic surgery :)

And it seems like they did not update it well.

We will attach the link at below about local website:


Explanation about the local website cost clearly :

Prices we listed in our webpage have a difference from Korean Local price list due to different marketing methods, Doctors with experiences on foreigners,

additional English speaking staffs and advertising methods. The patient can contact the Korean local consultation line (No English) to request Korean local prices.

02-3443-5580 Patient should know that there will be no English speaking staff or doctor if you make a reservation through the Korean local consultation line also

cosmetic procedures will be done with Korean skin standards.

Thank you
Best regards
Eddie Lee

Elena, Lin commented commented

Elena, Lin date

Thanks for getting back.  Is Dr Hoon the one who performs all the surgeries such as lipo,  rhinoplasty, etc?  How many days in advance must I book to have consultation and surgery?

Also if I am getting surgery with another clinic as well as ME clinic.  Would that be an issue?

ME CLINIC SEOUL commented commented


Hello, Dear Ms. Elena Lin

Thank you so much for your reply.

Yes. Dr. Back is the one who in charge and perform the plastic surgery.

And we recommend you to set up an appointment before 2 weeks with the deposit to secure your surgery slots.

Of course, If you are not willing to transfer the deposit it will be okay but there will be some delay or might not have the surgery right after the consultation, someone will book an appointment with the deposit.

Deposit Term:

You require to pay a 10% deposit on the total cost to secure your surgery appointment. or You required to transfer 200,000 KRW if the surgery cost is Less than 2,000,000 KRW

Deposit is refundable before 7 days but we can not if it is less than 7days.

And please tell us your full name to me to check the deposit.

Please visit this link to pay the deposit:

There will be no matters if you had surgery at another clinic but we have to check the skin status before proceeding the surgery.

Frankly speaking, There were some cases that we did not proceed with the surgery. because of the skin status and the side effect of the area performed by another clinic.

Thank you:)
Best regards
Eddie Lee

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