Breast augmentation, My wife got quoted 4,820,000 KRW is this cost including all the expenses?
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writer Tony Lim | ip | view 1,283 | comment 1 | 12-04-2019 17:56 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
For example, tax, after care, medication after the surgery etc.
Is there any other additional fees or cost I should know about?
and why the cost is so much cheaper than other plastic surgery hospitals?
Hello, Dear Mr. Tony
First of all, Thank you so much for contacting ME CLINIC SEOUL,
Answers to your questions :
-Breast augmentation, I got quoted 4,820,000 KRW is this cost including all the expenses?
For example, tax, aftercare, medication after the surgery, etc.
"The quote of 4,820,000 KRW is included for Tax, Aftercare, and the blood test.
Unfortunately, The pressing suit and medication are not included."
-Is there any other additional fees or cost I should know about?
"Yes, Madam. There will be an additional cost for pressing suit and medication.
The cost is about to 200,000 KRW"
-and why the cost is so much cheaper than other plastic surgery hospitals?
Actually, Our clinic vision and mission is to provide foreign patients with more reasonable prices and high quality and genuine products in Korea. So, we reduced the bubble of medical cost to our patient.
Would you like to set up an appointment here?