Meet Dr. Kim, the new surgeon!
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 770 | comment 0 | 09-12-2022 15:58 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
We are so proud to announce our new board certified,
Fully experienced plastic surgeon in ME CLINIC SEOUL!
Check full profile of our new surgeon!
Plastic surgeon, Kim Eungkoo
Graduate from Korea University
Medical degree from Korea University
Medical Intern at Ku-ro Hospital, Korea University medical institute
Plastic surgery board resident at An-am Hospital, Korea University
Board certified plastic surgeon
Plastic surgery, Ph D
Chief and manager of K Hospital in Gwangju, Kyeongkido
Plastic surgery chief surgeon at M plastic surgery hospital
Plastic surgery chief surgeon at A Plastic surgery hospital
Adjunct professor at Korea University plastic surgery medical school
Regular member of Korea plastic surgery academy
Regular member of Korea cosmetic plastic surgery academy
Regular member of Korea local plastic surgery clinic CEO
International member of ASPRS
Member of EU plastic surgery academy
Regular member of Korea and Japan plastic surgery academy
Regular member of ISHRS
Regular member of Korea extremity surgery academy
Regular member of Korea micro-surgery academy
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