January Promotion - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,284 | comment 0 | 13-01-2021 13:05 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
January Promotion
* Non-surgical procedure*
Ultherapy 300 shots +Silhouette 4 threads lifting = 2,800,000 KRW
Ultherapy 400 shots + Silhouette 4 threads lifting + Restylane 5cc = 4,350,000 KRW
Oneday Pore tightening package 3 sessions = 1,890,000 KRW
Amazing Discount for different treatments
*20 % OFF for choosing 3 procedure
*10 % OFF for choosing 2 procedure
- Xeomin (3 regions)
- Dysport (Chin)
- Elravie 1 cc
- Water shine injection 1 session
- Dual toning 1 session
- Fraxel Xena + Cryo 1 session
- Baby injection 1 session
- V line Facial contouring injection 1 session
- Shurink 200 shots 1 session
- PRP skin injection 1 session
Skin care
1) Acne care package 3 session = 383,000 KRW
2) Intracell + PRP 3session + Subcision 10 points = 792,000 KRW
3) Fraxel Xena + Cryo + Dermatoxin 1 session = 392,000 KRW
25% OFF by choosing of 3 session of Body contouring injection
Laser Hair Removal
- FREE ONE session who have paid for 5 sessions.
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