Interview of Dr. Jeon from Arirang TV
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,056 | comment 0 | 30-03-2023 22:29 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
Discussing about the Korea beauty clinic industry.
Question 1. South Korea is known as the capital of plastic surgery in the world. I hear you a lot of patients come visit you from abroad. But just how popular and well-known is Seoul for its cosmetic surgery techniques? How many people from abroad come to Korea just to get something done?
Question 2. Which technology or surgery is South Korea most well-known for?
Question 3. As we mentioned in our talks, it seems like there isn't a set beauty standard among the younger gen. Nonetheless, people choose to get surgery. Why do you think this is the case?
Please watch Youtube Video for further discussion with Dr. Jeon!
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