ME CLINIC SEOUL is moving out to near #Gangnam station from 20th of April, 2020!
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 5,271 | comment 0 | 08-04-2020 11:12 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts

ME CLINIC SEOUL is moving out to near #Gangnam station from 20th of April, 2020!
- Highly approachable location - Just outside of Exit 3 of Gangnam station.
- No more crowded waiting area! - Open, Wide, Hotel-style waiting lobby with the view of whole Gangnam street.
- Additional procedures - We are now with Thermage and Shurink.
- Redesigned with Dr. Park - The new surgery room.
- and with highly trained new desk staffs.
Meet NEW #MECLINICSEOUL on 20th of April
We are giving FREE glutathione cream for all visitors on new opening day.
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