Korean New Year's Day Promotion - ME Clinic Seoul
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 2,134 | comment 0 | 07-03-2019 14:25 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
*10% discount on a selection of 3
*15% discount on a selection of 5 or more (Possible to select redundantly)
* Plastic surgery *
① Eyebags removal surgery(Non-incision type) = 970,000 KRW
② Dimple creation(Both) = 720,000 KRW
③ Epicanthoplasty package : Lateral+ Medial+ Bottom = 2,800,000 KRW
* Petit procedure *
① Restylane Perlane 1 cc = 480,000 KRW
② Restylane subq 1 cc = 600,000 KRW
③ Hiko nose lift Whole nose = 650,000 KRW
④ Ultherapy 300 shots = 850,000 KRW
⑤ Air-jet 200 shots = 600,000 KRW
⑥ Botox (Allergan brand) = 222,000 KRW(2 region)
⑦ Silhouette soft threads lifting = 2,400,000 KRW(4 threads)
⑧ Baby injection + Toning = 240,000 KRW
⑨ Channel injection = 430,000 KRW
⑩ Legato + PRP = 600,000 KRW
⑪ Rejuran healer = 470,000 KRW (2cc)
⑫ Female Brazilian laser hair removal = 780,000 KRW (5 session)
⑬ Eyebrows tattoo(4D method) = 400,000 KRW
⑭ Lip tattoo = 660,000 KRW
⑮ Scalp tattoo = 800,000 KRW
*The promotions will end up to the end of February*
☎ Please Visit the link below for more to get details information and the cost.
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