March Promotion - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,418 | comment 0 | 28-02-2020 00:18 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
* Plastic surgery *
10% discount to all plastic surgical procedure
* Petit & Non-invasive *
Dysport bt = 1 regions 200,000 KRW
Korean brand Anti-wrinkle = 1 cc 242,000 KRW / 3 cc 650,000 KRW / 5 cc 1,000,000 KRW
Juvederm Anti-wrinkle = 1 cc 515,000 KRW / 5 cc 2,300,000 KRW / 7 cc 3,100,000 KRW
Non surgical face tightening package = 2,250,000 KRW
:Ultherapy 400 shots + Airjet 200 shots + Korean brand Bt(Forehead & Frown)
Threads lifting Package = 2,400,000 KRW
: Silhouette 4 threads + Blue rose 2 threads
V-line shape package = 1,450,000 KRW
:Ultherapy 200 shots( Jaw line) + Trusculpt 1 session + Cutline injection 1 session
*Skin care*
Glutathione injection 5 sessions + Vitamin B+C 5 sessions = 350,000 KRW
Baby injection 1 session + Laser toning 1 session = 250,000 KRW
Water shine injection + Cryo skin care 300,000 KRW
Pore tightening package = 750,000 KRW
: Fraxel xena 3 sessions + Cryo 3 sessions
Acne care = 1 session 150,000 KRW / 3 sessions 390,000 KRW
Acne care by V-pdt = 1 session 430,000 KRW / 3 sessions 1,150,000 KRW
Skin rejuvenation package = 900,000 KRW
: Rejuran healer 2 cc + Rejuran I 2 cc
* Laser hair removal *
10% discount for 5 sessions
☎Reservation -
Please visit our website for more information. -
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