Always to keep maintain a clean & safe clinic!
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,422 | comment 0 | 29-01-2020 17:45 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
Always to keep maintain a clean & safe clinic!
ME CLINIC SEOUL pursue the cleanest and safest clinical environment"
As a global clinic, in order to prevent all kinds of colds and Flu including simple colds, we sterilize the entire business premises with hydrogen peroxide (H202) vapor sterilization before opening our business.
1. All doctors and surgeons and including staffs are required to wear a mask at all time.
2. All doctors and surgeons and including staffs are required to temperature measurement before going to work & after the work.
3. All doctors and surgeons and including staffs are always the necessity to use hand sanitizer before serving the patient.
Thank you
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