April Promotion - ME CLINIC SEOUL
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April Promotion
* Plastic surgery *
20% Discount to all plastic surgical procedures!
* Petit and non-surgical procedure *
: Allergan 180,000 KRW (Forehead and frown)
: Meditox 120,000 KRW (Forehead and frown)
Skin Tightening package :
Ultherapy 400 shots + Restylane perlane 2
cc = 2,120,000 KRW
Ultherapy 400 shots + Allergan for facial
wrinkles 2 regions = 1,180,000 KRW
Thread lifting package :
Blue rose Thread lifting 16 threads 1,400,000 KRW
* Skin care *
Premium aqua peel + Glutathione injection 209,000 KRW
Skin whitening booster package : 470,000 KRW
: Glutathione injection 10 + Vitamin C & B 3 sessions
Armpit whitening package : 5 sessions 1,080,000 KRW
Acne scar package = 1,980,000 KRW
: Legato 3 sessions + PRP injection 3 sessions (3 month procedure)
Acne care package 5 sessions 630,000 KRW
Fat dissolving package By Micool : 4 pads 210,000 KRW / 12 pads 680,000 KRW
Pigmentation by Alex toning 10 sessions 1,080,000 KRW
Skin whitening booster package : 470,000 KRW
: Glutathione injection 10 + Vitamin C & B 3 sessions
* Laser hair removal*
10 % off on 3 regions / 15% off on 4 regions
☎Reservation - https://meclinicseoul.setmore.com /
Please visit our website for more information. - www.meclinic.net
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