Fraxel laser package for acne scar
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writer ME CLINIC SEOUL | ip | view 1,084 | comment 0 | 03-11-2021 19:18 (DD/MM/YY)the body of a posts
Acne scars and large pores
by Fraxel laser, Micro-needling and stem cell injection all-in-one package!
1. Fraxel laser is the the best resurfacing laser procedure for the acne scars and pores.
2. Micro-needling procedure will give your skin to absorb the stem cell induced skin cell growing factors to your skin!
3. Stem cell derived from your own blood to give the skin a new skin cell to fill up the scars and pores.
All above steps are all-in-one package!
Please visit following page for further information of our acne scar package -
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